2010 Height (cm)
21 (Vol I), 21 (Vol II), 33 (Vol III), 33 (Vol IV), 30 (scale model) Length (cm)
13 (Vol I), 13 (Vol II), 25 (Vol III), 24 (Vol IV), 60 (scale model) Depth (cm)
1,5 (Vol I ), 3 (Vol II), 2 (Vol III), 3 (Vol IV), 10 (scale model) Weight (g)
250 (Vol I), 400 (Vol II), 750 (Vol III), 850 (Vol IV), 1000 (scale model) Materials and Techniques
Vol I: collage, ink, marker on paper; Vol II: collage, marker on paper. Vol III: paper and collage on paper, Vol IV: paper and collage on paper. Scale model: paper, print, wood, modelling clay. Subject/Description
# 4 noteboks and a sculpture. The notebooks are studies about the project "Mapping contemporaryVenice 2010". The scale model is the result of the studies. Archival Fund
Detour_Venice Archive number
X_FF_179 Exhibitions
Detour Venice, Venice International University, August 2010 Bibliography
Raffaella Guidobono (a cura di), The Detour Book, The Moleskine notebook experience, Moleskine, 2012 ; Raffaella Guidobono (a cura di), Detour, The Moleskine notebook experience, Moleskine, 2015, p. 96 Personal data
Milano, 1996. Architects.
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