2008 Height (cm)
14 Length (cm)
11,5 Depth (cm)
4,5 Weight (g)
300 Materials and Techniques
Paper clipped and collage on paper. Subject/Description
The whole Moleskine is used as a travel diary during a journey in Asia for the 7th Gwangju Biennal, the 7th Shangai Biennal and the 3rd Guangzhou Triennal. Archival Fund
Detour_Berlin Archive number
V_82 Exhibitions
Detour Berlin, Museum der Dinge, October 2008 / Detour Istanbul, Santralistanbul, May 2009 / Detour Tokyo, MoMA Design Store, October 2009 / Detour Shanghai, Bund18, October 2010 / Detour 2.0 New York, See the world through creativity, One World Observatory, May 2022 Bibliography
Raffaella Guidobono (a cura di), The Detour Book, The Moleskine notebook experience, Moleskine, 2012 ; Raffaella Guidobono (a cura di), Detour, The Moleskine notebook experience, Moleskine, 2015, p. 172 Personal data
Zurich, 1968. Curator.