2023 Height (cm)
20 Length (cm)
14 Depth (cm)
2 Weight (g)
250 Materials and Techniques
Weathering, hand stitching, painting, drawing, collage, fire, sea water, sand, acrylic, marker, post-it, brown paper. Subject/Description
This is a collaborative artwork by four Cypriot female artists: Pırıl Torgut, Dize Kükrer, Münüse Ağagil, and Hayal Gezer. Supported by Visual Voices as a Creativity Pioneer.
We are using the same language, we don't speak the same language, but we are using the same language. Art speaks this universal language.
It has everything, even if it isn't the original tongue. We might also talk about the identity crisis because it wasn't like this before.
Elements and weathering in all ways, physically and emotionally, are expressing what we feel here.
When I first had it, there was nothing in it, and I felt panic and then wanted to keep adding.
The newspaper clippings with Tatar are from when I opened my studio, and my dad brought a newspaper. I really wanted to find some donkey images.
Relics and what we think Cyprus is in a way. All pieces of Cyprus, even burning and throwing it in the sea.
I was looking for landscapes.
Reflected our experience.
Yeah, I like this.
We were quite interested in mirroring, emphasized in most of our works.
I like how this holds it together, it's like us.
Different parts coming together. Collectively produces a memoir of our recent experiences living in our home country or trying to survive.
The silkworm makes one continuous thread.
You take care of it, and you know that's life. They don't live in nature by themselves.
We applied both sides. Pressing the pages together.
I don't know what this is. Kind of like integrating. And I made that, and I didn't know what it was so I made this a sunrise.
The sunrises from both sides, whatever happens you have to see the light.
Cause I was going to start talking about home.
Theme, it's not the middle, but the heart of the sketchbook, the cut out. It's like Cyprus and Nicosia and meeting at a certain point and being confused about where we are exactly.
Whatever we stuck in it, wrote in it, drew in it, is all a part of Cyprus.
One way or another
Giving directions
Finding home Archival Fund
Creativity Pioneers Archive number
- 445 Personal data
Nicosia, Cyprus, XX century.