2023 Height (cm)
21 Length (cm)
13 Depth (cm)
2 Weight (g)
300 Materials and Techniques
Watercolor, gouache and pencil on paper. Subject/Description
"The body - a dress" (Marina Tzetaeva)
The notebook pages are a dress that I unfold after taking it off. A second skin. I draw between the folds and the seams. I see myself from the outside, in the continuity of the body and the drawing. I invent a third body, fragments of images with which I dress. Drawing and reality form a knot, an "ineinander" where life and theatre - one inside the other – are intertwined. A dream incarnate. I draw to intensify the exchange between the distant and the near, between oneself and the stranger, between reverie and the world. To answer the question of knowing who I am when I say "I am". Fiction or reality? A way to drown the fish. Persephone, goddess of spring and the world of the dead opens the way for me. It pushes me to the confines of identification. I draw at the blind man in his dark light. I am "like the moon surrounded by night "with her. Archival Fund
Festival du Dessin Arles Archive number
- 452 Bibliography
The singular imagination of Mylène Duc draws from a vast repertoire ranging from figures from tales to Roman paintings or raw art to which she mixes the visions of an autobiographical dream. The universe of myths is often the starting point for her reverie, confronting female identity with its share of darkness and savagery. Doctor in Theory and Practice of the Arts, she draws, paints, and embroiders. His drawings and paintings in gouache and watercolour celebrate in colours liquidates childhood's joyful and cruel evanescence. His works have notably been exhibited at the Granet Museum and the Cezanne workshop in Aix-en-Provence (A la recherche de madame Cezanne, cur. Arts Vivants), at the A.M. Renan gallery during the Paréidolie Drawing Season, as well as in various places such as the La Nave Va gallery (Marseille), the Pheno (Montpellier). She also collaborated for a long time with Paul-Armand Gette. She publishes various aesthetic and poetry reviews. His latest book La Voleuse de feu was released in 2021 by Mimésis editions. Personal data
Privas, France. Artist, teaches Aesthetics at the University of Montpellier.
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