2023 Height (cm)
14 Length (cm)
9 Depth (cm)
2 Weight (g)
200 Materials and Techniques
mixed media Subject/Description
The alien I confront within me is a constant presence. I don't know its shape, but I perceive its essence. My female component dialogues with the image and the animal, the human, the vegetable, and the metamorphosis have always been my guides. I could consider myself a figurative artist. Even if the Moleskine is made, I think to be scribbled, written, watercoloured... in this work of mine, there is no trace of drawings, even if all my Moleskine are drawn. For this occasion, I have followed freedom and a modality of what I want to see, not in skeletal form but in a holographic representation. My final object has always been a photograph as documentation of a performance, sculpture as the real presence of space and the video/film as a sublimation of the moving subject. I would be tempted to call this Moleskine The Last Act; it has a plus value: originality and meticulousness in creating the finished work. I wonder if I finally understood who the stranger in me is … an answer in the final image that I could define as a portrait of me.
As Bernard of Chartres said, we are dwarfs on the shoulders of giants... The answer is there, even if I don't like to define my identity because I would always like to remain in search of the other half of me, lost perhaps, forever.
Archival Fund
AtWork Archive number
- 448 Personal data
Kriva Palanka, North Macedonia, 1959
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